IG i religion
Inspirerad av Stationsvakt som i sin tur har inspirerats av andra, genomförde jag religiontestet.
Resultatet var som följer:
You are... an atheist, though you probably already knew this. Also, you probably have several people praying daily for your soul. Instead of simply being "nonreligious," atheists strongly believe in the lack of existence of a higher being, or God.
Atheism - 100%
Satanism - 50%
Buddhism - 50%
Paganism - 46%
Agnosticism - 46%
Islam - 42%
Judaism - 29%
Christianity - 25%
Hinduism - 4%
Jag tror att det här innebär att jag fick IG 😉
Prova själv hos Quizfarm.